This is such a great time of year but in all the hype and excitement it is easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Join us in this mini course as we focus our attention on the greatest gift of all.

Art Club!

Want to wow your family and Thanksgiving guests with your knowledge of this special holiday? Take a trip back in time and discover what Thanksgiving is and why we still celebrate it today. Learn who the Pilgrims were, what the Mayflower was, and how Americans celebrate Thanksgiving today. Then take part in our own Thanksgiving parade! How elaborate can you make your Thanksgiving float?

A Very GamED Christmas

Join us as we discover the true meaning of Christmas! We start with the biblical meaning of Christmas where we will learn about the nativity and birth of Jesus. Then, journey with us as we explore Advent and discover what a Jesse tree is before uncovering the reason why we put up a Christmas tree. And finally we share the story of St. Nick and close our course with the great GamED Academy bake off. Can you wow us with your favorite Christmas cookie recipe or Gingerbread House? This is going to be a very GamED Christmas indeed!
This is a featured course with an updated format which includes more fun, interaction and hands on learning

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